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bodybuilding software

get six pack abs



The future of training

So I collected all data of 406 personal training clients within 5 years. I always tracked all of their data to develop the perfect training plan just for them.

At first I tried to make an universal plan for the whole year. But the problem about this was the individual needs.

For some people it worked, for some people it didn’t work. I analysed the workout schedules of the people who had problems and let them do some tests. After this the success rate was some way over 90% which is extraordinary.
But my time is limited and I could only help a small fraction of the people who needed some adjustments.
At this time an idea came up in my mind. I wanted to develop a computer software that could do this task for me. When I started to develop this software in the beginning of 2000 it looked like an easy task. But the more I developed, the more questions came up. So I involved two friends that are software developers like me and we started a large project. After one year of development the software was completed in spring 2001.
In the meanwhile I put together a team of 16 people who test drive new training plans. The first release of this software was a success, we got very much positive feedback.

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