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The future of training

But I am not the kind of person who is satisfied if something works good – I know I always can do it better. So we overworked the software and refined the training schedules with the experiences of the test group. This time we developed a German and an English version.
With the long term experiences of the first users we can say we have made it better than we first expected. The results of some users are outstanding.
So if you are interested to progress on a permanent basis, I would suggest that you check out our software at http://www.x-size.com/. It’s not all the same like the X-Adaptation training plans you’ll get, because there are many different cycles. There are more cycles with less work which I would call active recuperation cycles. These cycles can really skyrocket your strength while you body gets the rest for the next mass cycle.
Yours sincerely,

Oliver Wolter
(Translated by Stefan van Heester, lawyer at the Bar of Antwerp, Belgium)

P.S. Feel free to give this book to your friends. They can send a blank Email to ebook@x-size.com and will receive this book within a few minutes.


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